Honourable mentions: Kid Kaiju, Invisible Woman, Ant-Man, Iron Fist, Nightcrawler, Trinary.
10. Shadowcat

With the ability to phase anyone and anything through solid objects, Shadowcat is one of the most useful X-Men members. Imagine never having to open a door in your life. You may think this doesn't sound like a superpower that could save the world, but she once phased a city-sized bullet through the entire Earth! Check it out here.
9. Storm
Weather control
Storm can control the weather, which is something that would come in very handy in real life. Imagine if you were on a vacation and it started to rain. No problem. You'd clear the skies with a simple gesture. She can control rain, wind and thunder, and even manipulate the temperature.
8. Snowguard

Snowguard is a fairly new character introduced in the wonderful Champions comic series. She became one with the spirit of the North and harnessed the spiritual energies of the Arctic. It was quite the spectacle. This power gave her the ability to shapeshift into a variety of arctic animals such as a wolf, polar bear, reindeer and owl. Imagine having the freedom to run across the lands or soar through the skies as any animal you wanted.
7. Domino
Luck manipulation
Characters with similar powers: Black Cat.
Domino is extremely lucky, and I'm not just talking about finding a dollar on the floor every now and then. Let's say she gets pushed off of a building and is plummeting to her death. All of a sudden a truck full of cushions will drive by at the exact moment for he to fall into and come out completely unscathed. And if a group of armed criminals go to shoot her, all of their weapons will malfunction. Now that's lucky! She's also an incredibly skilled combatant.
6. Jean Grey
Telepathy / Telekinesis

There are a lot of telepaths in the Marvel universe, but very few can surpass Jean Grey in raw power. She can read anyone's thoughts and control their actions. Unlike other telepaths, she also has a range of other powers like telekinesis and energy blasts that can deal immense damage physically and mentally. The only power I wouldn't want of hers is the connection to the Phoenix Force. That **** is scary!
5. Nova
Cosmic energy

He can fly and blast energy from his hands. That's all you really need. Cosmic energy is extremely powerful, so you'd have to be very trustworthy to be able to wield it. I chose Nova over the other cosmic characters as he can take his helmet off and disconnect from the power of the Nova Force whenever he likes. Wouldn't it be amazing to blast through space and explore the galaxy?
4. Thor (Jane Foster)
Goddess of Thunder

Thor a.k.a. the Goddess of Thunder is an incredibly powerful being. With her trusty hammer Mjolnir in hand, she's able to summon powerful lightning. Combine that with her super strength and speed, then she's one of the fiercest forces to be reckoned with. Why did I choose Jane over the original Thor? She has better control over Mjolnir, being able to rapidly send it on a path through hordes of enemies before they can even comprehend what's happening. Even Thor himself admitted that he'd never been able to use Mjolnir the way that she could.
3. Magneto
Magnetic control
Magnetic control

Magneto is one of Marvel's greatest villains. His incredible control over magnetism has made him one of the most powerful mutants in history, and has always been a huge threat to entire teams of X-Men. Opening doors with the flick of your hand and summoning objects to your hand with a thought is certainly helpful, but Magneto can do much more than that. He's be able to move entire mountains and raise islands from the ocean, and could literally destroy the Earth if he really wanted to. I'd personally be thrilled to be able to fetch the TV remote without leaving my seat.
2. Quicksilver
Super speed
Super speed

Quicksilver is one of the fastest characters in the Marvel universe, being able to run faster than the speed of sound. He once ran half the Earth's distance in 92 seconds, and could even move across the ocean surface. I would personally love to have super speed, as time would no longer be a factor. You could get up a minute before you start work and still arrive early. You could even travel to any place in the world, any time you wanted.
1. Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange is the most powerful sorcerer in the Marvel universe, who's been able to put up fights against beings like Dormammu and Galactus, which is something very few can achieve. He has an endless variety of abilities, such as flight, shields, energy blasts, telepathy, telekinesis, illusions, teleportation, astral projection, and much more. As a bonus, he looks like a badass every time he performs one these tricks. Imagine having the power to do practically anything. Stephen Strange is definitely deserving of the top spot.
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