Redheads can be fierce, fiery and exotic, among other traits including bizarre Greek myths. In the fictional world, films and comics are filled with exciting redhead characters. Some good, some bad, and some just downright crazy. You'd expect this list to be full of women, but there are some surprising men that you may not have known had red hair.
Honourable mentions: Starfire, Daredevil, Elsa Bloodstone, Ghost Rider (Johnny Blaze), Mystique.
20. Poison Ivy
DC Comics

Poison Ivy is one of the more notable and popular characters from Batman's rogue's gallery. She may be a supervillain, but it's hard not to enjoy the character with her impressive plant-based skillset. The hilarious new Harley Quinn animated show may just have the best version of Poison Ivy to date.
19. Mera
DC Comics / DC Cinematic Universe
Mera is the reigning Queen of Atlantis and the fiancé to Aquaman, so has quite an important role to play in the DC universe. With the power of hydrokinesis and all the physical traits of an Atlantean, she's a formidable opponent both in and out of the water. Her film appearances have also impressed me so far.
18. Ruby Roundhouse

17. Cerys an Craite
The Witcher

The Witcher 3 was a sensational game with countless great characters, and Cerys an Craite was one of the absolute standouts. Unlike all of the other women in her kingdom, she wasn't afraid to break tradition to prove that she's not just a better warrior than all of the men, but the perfect candidate to take over as ruler. It only takes one person to change the course of history.
16. Anna

The Frozen films are guilty pleasures of mine. With lovable characters and catchy ballads, it's honestly hard not to enjoy them. Elsa may be the face of Frozen, but Anna equally important and just as great as a character. Her goofy humour and light-hearted personality provides the perfect contrast to Elsa's often serious tone.
15. Aloy
Horizon Zero Dawn

Nathan Drake has been PlayStation's leading icon for a very long time, but with the Uncharted era now over, Aloy is the perfect choice to take his place. She was a fantastic protagonist in the universally loved Horizon Zero Dawn. With nothing more than a bow in her hand and a few tricks up her sleeve, Aloy took down an army of metal beasts, with some towering above her in size.
14. Bo-Katan Kryze
Star Wars

Bo-Katan started as a minor villain in the earlier seasons of The Clone Wars, but ended up becoming a major hero by the show's end. She's one of the most formidable Mandalorian warriors of her time, who didn't even hesitate to take on Jedi. I'm really looking forward to seeing her appear in season two of The Mandalorian.
13. Mary Jane Watson
Spider-Man PS4 / Marvel Comics
If I was judging her just from the comics, then she wouldn't be on this list. Don't get me wrong, she's good in the comics, but her appearance in the Spider-Man PlayStation game was what completely sold me on her character. You'd think I'd be sick of seeing Peter and MJ's relationship develop yet again, but I enjoyed every moment of it. And to really put the icing on the cake, she's given a flawless performance by Laura Bailey.
12. Scarlet Witch
Marvel Cinematic Universe

Scarlet Witch may not be a redhead in the comics, but she is in the MCU. However, one thing both versions have in common is their immeasurable power. We already saw just how much of a threat Wanda was before Infinity War and Endgame, but by the second time she came face to face with Thanos, that's when we knew that she was the most powerful hero in the MCU. No matter what happens to her character now, she'll always be know as the only being to ever beat the mad Titan.
11. Juggernaut
Marvel Comics

We very rarely see Juggernaut without his telepathy-blocking helmet on, but yes, he is a redhead. He may not have the best character development or interesting storylines, but what makes him such a popular character is just how badass he is. Standing at a colossal 9'5" and strength equal to the Hulk, the Juggernaut is a force to be reckoned with.
10. Captain Boomerang
DC Comics

With a strong accent and boomerangs for weapons, Captain Boomerang is the most stereotypical Australian villain you could ever come up with. No matter if it's the comics, films or animated shows, Digger Harkness is incredibly entertaining and will always get a good laugh out of me. The last rogue's gallery you'd ever expect him to belong to would be the Flash's. How he constantly causes him trouble, I have no idea.
9. Angela
Marvel Comics

As the long lost sister of Thor, Angela is one of the most badass warriors in the Marvel universe. With her godly strength and incredible skills with a blade, she's one of the last people you'd want to get on the wrong side of. Angela is one of the most underrated Marvel characters, so I'm hoping they continue giving her great stories to get her the recognition she deserves.
8. Merida

Merida broke a lot of the Disney princess stereotypes when Brave was released, which is why I consider her one of the best. Instead of sitting on her throne, singing melodies and brushing her hair, Merida would rather be off in the wild on horseback honing her archery skills. I'd also give her the title of funniest Disney princess.
7. Jean Grey
Marvel Comics

Jean Grey is one of the most powerful telepaths in the Marvel universe, with a variety of awesome powers. She's been the host of the Phoenix Force multiple times, and even come back from the dead. But even after everything, Jean comes out stronger each time and continues to help save the world over and over again. There's currently two versions of Jean in the comics, one from the present and one from the past, and they're equally great characters.
6. Flash (Wally West)
Justice League animated series

While Barry Allen is now considered the main Flash, Wally West was who held the mantle back in the day. The Justice League animated series is one of the greatest shows I've ever seen, where Wally was one of the standout characters. As the fastest man alive, it was always exciting to see him engaging enemies in a fight, even if most of them got taken down before they could react.
5. Ant-Man (Scott Lang)
Marvel Comics

4. Tormund Giantsbane
Game of Thrones

Sansa Stark may be the most recognizable redhead from Game of Thrones, but Tormund Giantsbane is by far the best. As someone who started as a ferocious villian, it was a big surprise to see him end up as one of the most hilarious characters in the show. His attempts at wooing Brienne of Tarth were absolute gold.
3. Triss Merigold
The Witcher

Out of the countless games I've played, Triss Merigold is definitely the love interest I've enjoyed the most. She's a kind spirit but a fierce warrior, and very few can match her power in soercery. When given the choice for Geralt to choose between Triss and Yennefer, it was pretty obvious for me. Team Triss all the way!
2. Batgirl (Barbara Gordon)
DC Comics

Barbara Gordon may look harmless, but she's one of the greatest hand-to-hand fighters in the DC universe, which isn't surprising considering she was trained under Batman himself. Her fun-loving personality makes her standout among the darker, grittier faces in Gotham, and is the main reason why I consider her one of my favourite superheroes. I think it's about time we got a good live action version of her on the big screen.
1. Black Widow
Marvel Comics / Marvel Cinematic Universe

Taking out the top spot on my list is the deadliest assassin in the Marvel universe: Black Widow a.k.a. Natalia Romanova. She may be a superhero, but that doesn't stop her from using deadly methods to take down those inflicting evil on innocents. Her comic series are some of the best I've read, combining the superhero and spy genre together into a bunch of thrilling adventures. And let's not forget about Scarlett Johansson's badass version of the character in the MCU. I'm incredibly excited to see her solo film, which is long overdue.
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