TOP 10 ASGARDIAN CHARACTERS (currently being rewritten)
The mythology side of Marvel is one of my favourite things to read about in the comics, and a lot of that is thanks to the wonderful variety of characters. In this list I'll be looking through every Asgardian and honorary Asgardians I've encountered in the comics so far to decide who are my absolute favourites.
Honourable mentions: Loki, Enchantress, Fandral, Odin, Hela.

10. Skurge

Image result for marvel skurge comicOriginally a villain know as the Executioner, Skurge has since switched sides and works with Angela and her team of heroes. Hopefully he stays on the good side, as it suits him more.

9. Heimdall

Image result for marvel heimdall comicHeimdall sees all and knows all. He may never be a major player in any of the comic storylines, but what I've seen of him is more than enough to earn him a place on this list. He's loyal and caring, and always puts himself in harms way to protect those he supports.

8. Lady Sif

Image result for marvel lady sif comicLady Sif is very underused in the comics and deserves bigger appearances. She's a badass warrior who doesn't take crap from anyone no matter who they are. If you start a fight with Sif, you'd better be prepared to fight for your unlikely victory.

7. Throg

Related imageYes, there is a frog Thor, and yes, he's awesome. He may be small and cute, but he's also incredibly powerful and kicks a lot of ass. Throg is such a fun character to see in action.

6. Volstagg

Image result for marvel volstagg comicVolstagg has a heart of gold and quite possibly the kindest Argardian of them all. He was never really a character who took the spotlight, that was until he became the War Thor and turned into an absolute badass that even went toe-to-toe with Sindr (Surtur's daughter).

5. Valkyrie

Image result for marvel valkyrie comicShe's another badass warrior like Lady Sif, except Valkyrie is an even bigger threat. As both of the most skilled and strongest Asgardians, starting a fight with her is asking for a death wish.

4. Beta Ray Bill

Image result for beta ray billBeta Ray Bill is quite underused in the comics, so I'm hoping to see a lot more of him in the future. Maybe even his own solo series could work. He's just a really cool and powerful character with a lot of potential.

3. Angela

Related imageThor's long lost sister, Angela, is one of the most badass women in comics. It was a lot of fun seeing her team up with the Guardians of the Galaxy, and now she's off with her own team as the Asgardians of the Galaxy with three other characters on this list - Valkyrie, Skurge and Throg, and what a great team they make.

2. Thor

Image result for marvel thor comicObviously Thor himself would appear at the top end of this list. He's a legendary warrior who's totally deserving of wielding Mjolnir. He was one of the original Avengers and Marvel just wouldn't be the same without him. Thor's probably saved the Earth and even the universe more times than everyone else combined on this list.

1. Thor (Jane Foster)

Image result for marvel jane foster thorWho's even better than the God of Thunder himself? The Goddess of Thunder herself, Jane Foster. Her solo series is probably my favourite Marvel comic series I've read so far, and most of that is thanks to her. Taking away Mjolnir from Thor and letting someone else take the mantle may have been controversial at first, but I couldn't think of anymore more deserving than Jane. She's an absolute badass, and holy crap is she powerful! Not many characters could go toe-to-toe with Odin.
